jun21888 发表于 2024-8-12 12:35


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2024年08月12日 09:11:24 来自北京


2024年8月11日上午,中国科学院高能物理研究所召开李政道先生追思会。李政道长子李中清教授由于身体原因未能亲自到场,委托南京大学历史学院副院长梁晨教授作为家属代表致辞,题为《我永远会是你的一部分,你永远会是我的一部分》。致辞分中、英文两个版本,《返朴》经授权同时发布,本文标题为编者所加。致辞 | 李中清“I will always be a part of you. You all will always be a part of me.”我永远会是你的一部分; 你永远会是我的一部分首先,非常感谢各位在家父辞世后给予我们家属的慰问、体恤和支持!8月4号我们宣布这个悲痛的消息以来,各种对家属的私下慰问和对父亲公开的追忆,如潮水般涌现。今天的纪念会是追思父亲的第一场活动。其实,各位比我更清楚了解作为物理学家、教育家,和科学领导者的李政道;对我而言,李政道更是一位宽厚慈爱的父亲,我亲爱的爸爸。爸爸不仅启迪我的智慧,也是给我力量和旺盛生命力的源泉。我可以讲述很多他对我的人生产生重大影响的细节。可是我最为感激的是,他教导我探索知识、追求真理,专注工作、谦逊为人、富有责任心、保持民族自豪感、正直为人、欣赏艺术、以及追求创新和有所作为,而不是追逐金钱、物质与浮名。今天在这里,我还想与你们分享家父在最后的几个月里所展现出的旺盛生命力和勤力思考。几乎直到生命的尽头,他仍然可以在别人的帮助下走一小段距离。即使他卧床不起,他仍然能够说话、思维、与我们交流。父亲反复地说,他是多么爱我们。他越来越多地谈到他与母亲(家母于1996年去世)团聚和回家的愿望。现在,希望他们能达成心愿。在他生命的最后几天里,爸爸还会说:“我永远会是你的一部分;你永远会是我的一部分”。尽管这个时候只有家人在身边,但我想,父亲这句话既是说给我们的,更是说给他多年来的各位老师、同道、朋友,永远的科学和祖国。最后,同你们一样,我非常荣幸能成为父亲的一部分;同时,也如你们一样,会非常珍视父亲在我们生命中的那一部分。衷心感谢各位!衷心感谢各位!Tsung Dao Lee 1926-202411 August Memorial ServiceInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of ScienceJames Lee英文版“I will always be a part of you. You all will always be a part of me.”我永远会是你的一部分;你永远会是我的一部分Thank you so much for your condolences, appreciations, and expressions of support.The swell of personal messages and public postings since we announced 4 August the news of Dad’s passing has been overwhelming.Today is appropriately the first memorial service organized to remember him.Publicly in ways that you know better than me, Dad was a physicist, an educator, and a scientific leader, but I knew him mainly as my father.Dad was my bulwark of strength, of overwhelming vitality, and of wisdom. I could dwell for pages of his role in my life. What I appreciate most are the values and importance he taught me of intellectual pursuit, of concentration, of humility, of duty, of national pride, and personal integrity, of appreciation of fine arts, and of making a difference rather than making money.However, I would like to conclude today with something about Dad’s vitality and thoughts during his last few months. Almost up to the end, he could still walk short distances, albeit with assistance. Even when he became bedridden, he was still able to talk, think, and communicate.In Dad’s last few weeks, he repeatedly said how much he loved us. During his last few days, he would also say “I will always be a part of you. You all will always be a part of me.” Increasingly, Dad also talked about reuniting with Mom (who died in 1996) and returning home. Hopefully in some way, he achieved his wish.I, like you, am proud to be a part of my Dad; and also like you will always treasure the part of him in me.Thank you very much.

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