浪迹苏丹 发表于 2011-8-3 15:39

Don't Get Sidelined By A Weekend Accident

We'd like to see you back at work on Monday. Weekend accidents on the road, at home and during recreational activities account for a great deal of lost work time.

Take good care of yourself this weekend and keep these safety tips in mind:

Never drink and drive, and never ride with a driver who has been drinking.

Wear your seat belt any time you travel in an automobile. Insist all occupants buckle up.

Wear head protection for activities such as bicycling and in-line skating. Wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for any sports. Remember to wear safety shoes, gloves, eye protection, hearing protection and other PPE when doing home maintenance and building projects.

Install smoke detectors in your home. Maintain them by checking and changing the batteries regularly.

Have family fire drills at least twice a year. Make sure everyone knows how to get out alive.

Inspect your home for safety hazards. Look for improperly stored flammable liquids, poisons and other hazardous materials. Check for electrical problems such as damaged cords, loose plugs or overloaded circuits.

Read the labels and follow directions when using any chemicals, even common household cleaning products.

Use ladders correctly. Get a stepladder instead of climbing on a makeshift scaffold such as a chair or table. Open the ladder fully and lock the spreaders in place. Never use a metal ladder for any kind of electrical work, even changing a lightbulb.

Avoid excessive exposure to the sun. Wear a hat, long sleeves and long pants to protect yourself from sunburn, and put on a sun-blocking cream. A sunburn can keep you from coming to work, and it can also lead to skin cancer.

Post emergency numbers at each telephone in your home. Along with the numbers for fire department, ambulance and police, you should also put your own address because it is easy to forget it in a crisis.

You are needed here at work. Don't let a weekend accident sideline you.你的工作需要你。别让周末的事故影响你。

李小小 发表于 2011-8-3 15:40

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