皇后窦漪房 发表于 2013-9-16 16:57


Create the believe, you will often hear the phrase: "be careful, pay attention to safety! . Although only a short six words, but this parcel too much too much meanings behind the words: it's both love, there is also a warning, is more a kind of respect for life. So-called love because family want to see a healthy, bloom of your smile, the so-called high risk warning is for you to do this seriously, hard work, don't be sloppy, regardless of people's understanding of this sentence will have much deep, but it is in the unburned comprehensive is each person must think of, and must be done. So the safety in production, starts from me, I have escort! As an employee of xx shares, we must fully understand the professional knowledge of their own jobs, study safety system. Each safety system and operation procedures, are accumulated in a complete blood lessons, it's not bound our chains, but to guide us forward correct AIDS to navigation, as long as we seriously study, strictly enforced, "accident can be avoided. In every work, must first ask yourself, "do this violation, safe?" . Purpose is to put the thought of "safety first" into our brains, cultivate correct concept of safety behavior, each job has its particularity, we cannot to experience, to put an end to all chronic violate the rules, some people know some behavior is illegal, is the trouble don't want to change, think that has been done, not so qiao is an accident. This psychology is safety consciousness of paralysis. You know, any illegal behavior could will himself to the brink, is to be punished. In school, the teacher said to love the motherland, love people, work, leadership said he'd love enterprise, love work, get married, love to say to want to love the family, love life. In front of the security I say: we'll be the first to love yourself. Such a man can do a good-hearted, gratitude, without security, all love can't pay. Abundant when we live a comfortable life, it is hard work and the safety of fruit, and work is our means of survival, however, is the enterprise gives us the opportunity to work, let our life have security, and we should be grateful to the society, gratitude in enterprise, gratitude to all love their own people. How to do it, it's safe to do their job. This is not just a gratitude, is our responsibility and obligation. Ann - all, between lips opening and closing, is a very easily say it out of vocabulary, but it is very heavy. The word since the moment we are born, ear repeated thousands of times, it is in the mother's devout prayer, father wishes, in the hope of the smiling faces of the friends and colleagues. "Baby, around the front pile. This is mother's advice; "Children, away from your side of the river." This is his father's hands, "The classmates, please study hard." This is the teacher education teaching; "Comrade, please wear a helmet." This is the enterprise requirement for employees. Yet to remind and advice, often to avoid the tragedy. As engaged in raw material production enterprise, we also put the safety work on important agenda, speak every year, month, grasp every day, all the talk. Start from the intravenous drip, strict, meticulous, strive to build security dike. Is, however, there are individuals taking advice for ground, then a moment of carelessness, a small mistake brings pain to individuals, to families, brings to the enterprise burden and loss. Life is precious, when we look to the bloody incident, take a look that is no longer a complete home, acidity in eye, grief, the heart is what makes the tragedy repeats itself, the particularity of security in where? With blood and life for the safety rules seem to be in to people interpret a truth: you defy it exists, it is contempt of your life. The root of all accidents occur on our thoughts, lack of safety consciousness, field management, lax, work lightly, etc. Think of it, and what is worse than "three violations", and what is more important than security, what is more than a man's life is more valuable? Security for the day, is our security concept, under the "day", let us put the safety in production as a normal operation of machine, so, we each worker is each nut and this requires that we often turn a nut screw equipment, listen to the voice on the machine, take a look at the change of instrument. "Half-hearted" is her work of "concentrate, careful, patient,", "suffering consciousness, responsibility consciousness" of the mind, tightens the string of safety. From "want me to safety" to "I want security", "I should be safe", "meSafe "and" I understand security ", make the safety consciousness has a qualitative leap, even if this leap by repeatedly, and often security re-education. Colleagues, in order to the development of the enterprise, for the sake of personal safety, in order to the happiness of the family, please take a "safe" seriously, because only the security in mind, the life can in hand, work safety, should have you, have me, have you escort! Would rather listen to bristle, wouldn't hear crying. This is our workers engaged in construction safety management should have a mind, but also a responsibility! This is a kind of responsibility for the development of the enterprise, it is the responsibility of the happiness to the worker, but a responsibility of every family in peace. "would rather listen to bristle," this is the responsibility of the security manager. Safety is the lifeline of an enterprise not only, also the worker's lifeline." 上有老,下有小,出了事故不得了”,能平平安安地和家人一起分享生活,那才是最大的幸福。所以在工作中遵章守纪,确保安全才是我们最最重要的。 “宁愿听骂声”,这是时刻绷紧安全生产这根弦之客观规律。幸福是每个职工的追求,也是职工工作的动力。虽然人们对幸福的理解各种各样,但平平安安就是最大的幸福也是人们最为普遍能接受的一种理念。俗话说,绊人的树桩不一定大,但违章的危害却一定不小。悬挂在井下醒目的 “规章制度血写成,不要我们再印证”等标语,时时在提醒着你、我、他的安全意识。在岗一分种,尽责六十秒,在骂声中让职工学会为自己着想,学会为家庭着想,学会为爱你和你爱的人着想。 当我们走进这个社会,曾几何时,家中的父母便为我们的平安所牵挂、为我们的平安所祈祷;当有了自己的家庭,每当走出家门,你是否能从你的爱人、你的儿女惦念你的眼神中,读懂她们期盼你平安地早日归来?所以,只要想起父母、想起家人,想起了关心你的亲人,你还有什么理由不把遵章守纪放在第一位呢? 近日读报,某矿一名跟班安全员在现场检查时发现这样两种情况:一名采煤工在作业中给支设的液压单体支柱穿上“铁鞋”后,为了急忙干完班中活却未按规定将“铁鞋链”挂在单体柱把上,当他发现跟班管理人员正在离自己不远处看着自己时,马上转身进行整理;而他相邻组的一名职工在给单体支柱穿“铁鞋”时,尽管跟班管理人员没有注意到他,他却严格执行规定的作业标准,逐一将“铁鞋链”挂在单体柱把上。由此笔者想到,如果安全生产中大家都能像后者那样做到慎独,严格要求自己,就会少出许多违章违纪事故,就能排除许多事故隐患。Self-supervision, is people when the supervision to be alone, no one can do it very carefully. Self-supervision is a moral accomplishment, is a serious and responsible attitude, is a kind of the embodiment of the spirit. The ancients used to say, "phase in the chamber, it is not the kui on roof leak", "youdao of your gentleman, into the dark room and not cheat", meaning that people are alone, no one else can, can also be a totally, a clear conscience, do a moral person. Can we have some workers in production safety is hard to do internally. When the inspectors are present, they meticulously execute rules and regulations; When the inspectors are not, they are self-righteous, I did it my way. Some people use habits instead of system, with experience instead of rules and regulations, some short-cut be frightened by this trouble, and smart people, don't think the scene management researchers found that, do you not know that these bad work habits, probably buried hidden trouble to safety. At present, in the context of the national coal mining enterprises, we are faced with the security situation is still very grim, task is still very difficult. As a coal mine workers, to carry out the operation standard should be all-weather, should enhance safety consciousness and responsibility consciousness, in their respective positions conscientiously do self-supervision, strictly implement the rules and regulations and standards, become "want me to protect security" to "I want security". Any time, we have to do leadership and not the same, someone check and there is no one to check the same, only in this way, to ensure safety in production does not become a meaningless. Safety is our form, and we was like peas and carrots. Safety is our comrades, and we all peer. Security is a warm, warm our happiness life; Let us give warning of events as the experience and lessons, start from the intravenous drip, always put the "safety first" in mind in the heart, tightly around the center of gravity to begin to work every day, let us in life "confused" rare, "awake" at work. Often at the construction site or can be seen on the wall of the factory, "production safety law implementation, all everything is safe", "safety first, prevention first, comprehensive treatment, and security" and so on propaganda slogan, also in the month of June each year to carry out the production safety month activity, we seem to have been cried all day. But I deeply feel safe, is not a slogan. Security is not a slogan, more can't be a wind to a shower of dogmatism, and the key to do well the safety production in enterprises, focus on top, top priority is the security responsibility in place. Security responsibility, need to use action to bear. Enterprises need to responsibility, responsibility for more effectiveness and competitiveness; Society needs responsibility, responsibility for the social steady development; Need safety work responsibility, responsibility for precious life health forever. Security is indispensable factors about enterprise development and stability. You know, we all live in the family love, friendship environment, surrounded by our every move affects millions of family care. , a person's insecurity is sadness throughout the enterprise. An unsafe hidden danger so want to come, you will be how much the price? One of your thoughts paralysis will cost how much affection? In the face of these, what do you feel? For parents smile, for the sake of his wife looking forward to look in the eyes, for children to have a complete home, let we implement security, common treasure our own life, pay attention to the security around, caring more comfort for the family, for the enterprise safety work and offer a force!

泰山祝贺 发表于 2013-9-16 20:12


chenyuanmomo 发表于 2013-9-16 20:26


寻寻觅觅东东 发表于 2013-9-16 20:42


皇后窦漪房 发表于 2013-9-16 21:53

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