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File manager

已有 118 次阅读2009-8-8 10:08 |



Information on the "active" and "passive" panels may be used for AION Items constructing commands on the command line. Examples include current file, path to left panel, path to right panel, etc.

They provide a built-in viewer for (at least) the most basic file types.

AION Kina they have a built-in editor. In many cases, the editor can extract certain elements of the panels into the text being edited.

Many support virtual file systems (VFS) such as viewing compressed archives, or via an FTP connection. They often have the word commander in the name.

Aion gold orthodox file manager typically has three windows. Two of the windows are called panels and are symmetrically positioned at the top of the screen. The third is the command line which is essentially a minimized command (shell) window that can be expanded to full screen. Only one of the panels is active at a given time. The active Louis Vuitton replica handbags panel contains the "file cursor". Panels are resizable. Each panel can be hidden. Files in the active panel serve as the source of file operations performed by the manager. For example, files can be copied or moved to the passive panel. This gives the user the ability to use Buy Aion gold only the keyboard with the convenience of the mouse interface. The active panel shows information about the current working directory and the files that it contains. The passive (inactive) panel shows the content of the same or other directory (the default target for file operations). Users may customize the display of AION power leveling columns that show relevant file information. The active panel and passive panel can be switched (often by pressing the tab key). Other user interface elements include:

Path: shows the source/destination location of the directory in use Information about directory size, disk usage and disk name (usually at the bottom of the panels)  

Sometimes Buy Aion Kina they are called dual-pane managers, a term that is typically used for programs such as the Windows File Explorer (see below). It is technically incorrect since they have three windows including a command line window below (or hidden behind) two symmetric panels. Command line windows play a very prominent role in the functionality of this type of file manager. Furthermore, most of these programs allow using just one pane with the roll forming machine second one hidden. Focusing on 'dual panes' may be misleading; it is the combination of all of these features which is important.





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