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The Positive Meanings of Love

已有 103 次阅读2009-8-8 10:18 |

Replica Handbags love means trusting the person I love. If I love you, I trust that you will accept my caring and my love and that you won't deliberately hurt me. I trust that you will find me attractive, and that you won't abandon me; I trust the mutual nature of our love. If we quests trust each other, we are willing  to be open to each other and reveal our true selves.

Love can tolerate imperfection. In a love relationship there are times when I am bored, times when I may feel like giving up, times of real strain, and times I feel I can't move forward. Authentic love does not imply enduring happiness. I can stay  during rough times, however, because I forged chain can remember what we had together in the wow lvl up past, and I can picture what we will have together in our future if we care enough to face our problems and work them through. We agree with the idea that love is a spirit that changes life. Love is a way of life that is creative and that transforms. However, love is not overhead conveyor reserved for a perfect world. Love is meant for our imperfect world where things go wrong. Love is meant to be a spirit that works in painful situations. Love is meant to bring meaning into life where nonsense appears to rule. In other words, love roll forming machine comes into an imperfect world to make it possible to live.

Love is open. If I love you, I encourage you to reach out and develop other relationships. Although our love for each other and our commitment to clone golf clubs each other might prohibit certain actions on our parts, we are not totally and exclusively married to honor leveling each other. It is a false love that cements one person to another in such a way that he or she is not given room to grow.

Love is selfish. I can only love you if I genuinely love, value, chain sprocket appreciate, and respect myself. If I am empty, then all I can give you is my emptiness. If I feel that I'm complete and worthwhile in myself, then I'm able to give to you out of my fullness. One of the best forming machine ways for me to give you love is by fully enjoying myself with you.

Love involves seeing the potential within the person we love. In my love for another, I view her or him as the person she or he can become, while wow level up still accepting who and what the person is now. By taking people as they are, we make them worse, but by treating them as if they already were what they ought to be, we help make them better.

Designer Handbags to sum it up, mature love is union under the condition of preserving one's individuality. In love, two beings become one and yet remain two.









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