Neighbors juggle, sing songs and hold hand-stand races on child's front yard to entertain him as he is stuck indoors while undergoing cancer treatment
来源:每日邮报 翻译:世界播
A community have been performing tricks, singing songs and driving trucks past the yard of a house-bound cancer-stricken toddler in an effort to boost his spirits.

Quinn Waters, three, from Weymouth, Massachusetts, is in isolation after receiving a stem cell transplant earlier in June and a high dose of chemotherapy which wiped out his immune system.
The three-year-old was diagnosed with medulloblastoma - a form of brain cancer - in April and has been stuck in his home and on a restricted diet as a result of the punishing regime of treatments.
But friends and strangers alike have been stopping by his front window on a daily basis to greet and entertain him in a bid to try and help him enjoy life despite his medical problems.
Whether it's someone performing a song, a juggling trick or just driving by to honk, Quinn will watch on elatedly by his room's window as the show unravels before his eyes.

Mother Tara Waters, 42, who is a police officer with the Quincy Police Department, said: 'Quinn was diagnosed with brain cancer earlier this year, just a few days after his birthday on February 3.
'His restrictions include a low-bacteria diet, so fruit with hard skins that can be thoroughly washed and are grown in US only, no frozen yogurt, no soft drinks from machines, no popcorn, no ice.
'He does walk freely, however at night he is attached to a feeding tube machine because what he ingests orally is not enough to sustain his weight.